Solar water heating has proven to be an ultimate solution to many people in Brazil. Most people have resorted to buying the best solar water heaters. These heating systems are being used for both domestic and commercial purposes in Brazil.
To cater with the demand of the heaters, a number of solar water heater manufacturers have established their roots in Brazil. This is in addition to the suppliers of the same water heating systems.
Here is a list of the top solar water heater manufacturers and suppliers in Brazil.
1. ABRAVA- DASOL- Brazilian Solar Water Heating Industry Association
Avenida Rio Branco 1492, Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo Brazil 01206-001
ABRAVA through DASOL- Solar Water Heating Industry Association congregates 30 Companies that represents more than 70% Braziliar market. Our mission is to create conditions to sustainable grow of the brasilian solar water heating market.
2. Aquecedor Solar KISOL
Mococa, São Paulo Brazil
Two of the main solar heating brands in Brazil, Kisol and Soltec , decided to come together to create a company capable of making solar energy generate more comfort and savings for their customers. The Kisoltec is the result of this union, which uses the Sun as a common denominator for a successful partnership.
A company that already has 25 years of experience in the market and highly trained professionals to provide the best solar heater in Brazil.
3 .Aquecedor Solar Transsen Ltda.
Rua Bento da Cruz, 127, Birigui, Sao Paulo Brazil 16200-053
TRANSSEN is the Latin American market leader in solar water heating system, focus on solutions in hot water and energy efficiency with branch offices in Chile and Peru. It exports to other countries in South and Central America and also to several African countries. It is rated by the most important national and international quality standard certificates, such as ISO 9001:2008 and was awarded for three followed years (2007, 2008 and 2009) as the Best Concept & Image in the Solar Thermal Segment – Ruy Ohtake Award by Revenda Magazine.
4. Br Solar
Rua Dom Gerardo 63/503, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro Brazil 20090030
Integration Solar Systems Company to project, supply, installation on turn-key basis for solar thermal and photovoltaics. Was founded at 1985 in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro with a thousand installations in different business clients.
5. Enalter – Engenharia Alternativa Ind. Com. Ltda
L�cio Bertoldo 144, Vl. Odete, Nova Lima, Minas Gerais Brazil 34000-000
Since 1980, pioneer in the manufacture of solar heaters and heating systems for bathing and leisure areas.
We guarantee the best prices on the market and end-to-end service, carried out by an engineering and architecture team specializing in solar energy.
6. Full Gauge Controls
Rua Julio de Castilhos, Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul Brazil 92120-030
Since 1985, Full Gauge Controls develops and produces digital instruments for control and indication of temperature, humidity, time, pressure and voltage. Currently Full Gauge Controls is the top HVAC manufacturer in the country and a recognized national leader in the HVACR industry. With regional and international distribution and wholesaler centers the company boasts over 50 distributors and wholesalers around the globe.
7. Heliotek Maquinas e Equipamentos Ltda.
Rua São Paulo 144, Barueri, SP Brazil 06465-130
Heliotek is the largest Latin American Company,manufacturing solar heating systems for water, pools and heat pumps for swimming pools. We are the first company in this field which obtained the World Quality Certification ISO 9002, the Environmental Management ISO 14001 Certificates, and European Certificate CE.
8. Kevin Power Solutions Ltd.
D-117, sectror-63, Brazil
Kevin Power Solutions Ltd. is an initiative of a few pioneers in the field of power backup solutions in India. Within a short span, M/s Kevin Power Solutions Ltd have consolidated their operations very well and are a name of reckon with in the field of inverter & UPS, DC Power Supplies etc. We have dedicated R&D center and three manufacturing units located at Roorkee. M/s Kevin Power Solutions Ltd. has great future, especially in view of their unique R&D strength in the field of power electronics.
At Kevin Power Solutions Ltd. we have been developing Unique Range of Products since more that 5 years and likely to offer many innovative and state of the art solutions in near future. By basing ourselves on the features demanded by larger company.
9. Studio Equinocio Solar Energy
Rua Artur Itabirano 607, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais Brazil 31275020
Studio Equinócio (Grupo AEVO) is a company with more than 15 years of experience that seeks to integrate with a wide network of collaborators and partners, services and technologies suitable for the development of the solar thermal and photovoltaic market in Brazil.
10. IEM – Intercambio Eletro Mecanico Ltda.
Av. Amazonas, 800, Porto Alegre, RS Brazil 90240-541