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Solar water heating has proven to be an ultimate solution to many people in Czechia. Most people have resorted to buying the best solar water heaters. These heating systems are being used for both domestic and commercial purposes in Czechia.

To cater with the demand of the heaters, a number of solar water heater manufacturers have established their roots in Czechia. This is in addition to the suppliers of the same water heating systems.

Here is a list of the top solar water heater manufacturers and suppliers in Czechia.



Branická 69/66, 147 00 Praha 4-Braník, Czechia

We have been building solar and hybrid power plants and taking care of their service since 2006. Our services are used by customers in the Czech Republic and other countries (Great Britain, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia, India). We are a Czech company with a strong background, which has a team of its own experts and technicians. Renewable resources are our mission.

2. Nanosun s.r.o.

Pernerova 35, 186 00 Karlín, Czechia

We are official distributors of LG solar, CanadianSolar Inc., Sungrow, Longi, JAsolar, Trina Solar, Huawei, Solarwatt, Avancis, Renusol brands. We offer quality and proven components – solar panels, solar heaters,photovoltaic inverters, storage systems, components, chargers for electric cars, solar carports, facade solar water heaters and other equipment from leading global manufacturers.

3. Neosolar spol. s.r.o.

Pávovská 5456, 586 01 Jihlava-Bedrichov, Czechia

Neosolar is one of the most important distributors of components for independent energy, photovoltaic and battery systems, which enable the accumulation of electricity so that it is available whenever and wherever it is needed .

Heat pump and air conditioning center.
Manufacturer and distributor of components for photovoltaic systems and energy storage.

4. SOLSOL s.r.o.

M. Horákové 1957/13, 602 00 Brno-střed-Černá Pole, Czechia

The company SOLSOL sro has been operating on our market since 2012. It deals with the wholesale sale of solar panels and inverters. In the last four years, the company has delivered over 300,000 pieces (approx. 75 MWp) of solar panels from leading world brands to the region of Central and Eastern Europe.

We offer wholesale and retail customers and assembly companies solutions for custom PV technologies, from pallet volumes of technologies with construction and inverters for family houses to container quantities for commercial projects from three warehouses in the Czech Republic.

5. Solarity

Purkyňova 74/2, 110 00 Nové Město, Czechia

Solarity is a distributor and solutions provider of photovoltaic (PV) systems. The company offers a complete assortment of both on-grid and off-grid solutions, including modules, inverters, mounting systems,solar water heaters and accessories, to PV professionals in Europe, the Middle East and Northern Africa.

Our business partners are installers, EPC contractors, resellers, wholesalers, distributors and manufacturers in almost all PV markets. We stand for flexibility, individual approach, trustworthiness and build on mutual trust and long-term cooperation. We bring the latest smart technologies to the market through close collaboration with some of the world’s leading manufacturers.


6. Solar Turbines EAME Ltd.

Laurinova 4, 155 00 Praha 13, Czechia

Solar is a leading provider of energy solutions, featuring an extensive line of gas turbine-powered compressor sets.

Our product range includes mechanical units with a combustion turbine, gas compressors for gas transit or complete units for the production of electricity powered by turbines.

We specialize in the production of mid-sized industrial gas turbines ranging from 1 to 23 megawatts. More than 16,000 Solar units are installed in more than 100 countries with more than 3 billion operating hours.

7. Vepřek Solar Park

Vepřek, 277 52 Nová Ves, Czechia

Go solar system is among the oldest and leading solar companies in Czechia. The company was established several years ago with a motive of provision of solar power. It serves not only Czechia but also other countries in the region.

8. Solek

Voctářova 2449/5, 180 00 Praha 8-Palmovka, Czechia

Investing in the activities of the SOLEK energy group and its projects related to the construction and operation of solar power plants provides interesting opportunities with long-term returns. The attractiveness of investing in the sun is associated with the diversification of investment portfolios and their resilience to market volatility, geopolitical events and the high potential of growing global demand for green energy.

9. Photon Energy

Karolinská 661/4, 186 00 Rohanský ostrov, Czechia

Through ingenuity and technological innovation, we deliver energy and water solutions that are state-of-the-art and sustainable.

Our solar power solutions and services cover the entire lifecycle of photovoltaic power plants.

10. Viessmann Czech Republic

Plzeňská 189, 252 19 Chrášťany, Czechia

The Viessmann Group is one of the leading international manufacturers of solar water heating, industrial and cooling systems. Viessmann’s complete range offers individual solutions thanks to efficient systems and outputs from 1.5 to 120,000 kW for all areas of application and energy carriers.

The complete offer offers top quality and sets the standard. By focusing on efficient energy management, it contributes to reducing costs and protecting resources and the environment.